🇫🇷 Le Docteur Franck Scola, invité par le Centre italo-russe de didactique des langues LEV TOLSTOJ, est intervenu au cours de la Conférence Internationale sur le Bilinguisme et le Dialogue entre les Cultures organisée par l’Université de Parme (Italie). La conférence, à laquelle les plus grands experts du bilinguisme chez l’enfant ont participé, s’est tenue virtuellement mercredi 27 janvier 2021.
Son intervention a porté sur les troubles dys chez les enfants bilingues et/ou élèves scolarisés à l’étranger. Il a notamment abordé :
– Les signes de repérages ;
– L’impact sur les apprentissages et compétences scolaires ;
– Les aménagements scolaires ;
– La guidance parentale ;
– L’aide extérieure (orthophonie…)
🇬🇧 Doctor Franck Scola, invited by the Italian-Russian Center for Language Teaching LEV TOLSTOJ, spoke during the International Conference on Bilingualism and Dialogue between Cultures organized by the University of Parma (Italy) and which has been held virtually on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021.
He focused on « Speech and learning impairments in bilingual children and/or pupils schooled abroad ». In particular, he broached several subjects :
– Tracking ;
– The impact on learning and academic skills ;
– Special arrangements in school ;
– Parental guidance ;
– External help (speech therapy, etc.).

Programme de la conférence :
Plenary talks (12.20 – 13.10)
- 12.20 – 12.45
Daloiso Michele, Professor of Parma University (Italy)
Bilingualism and Language Disorders: Issues in Clinical and Educational Linguistics
- 12.45 – 13.10
Marco Mezzadri, Professor of Parma University (Italy)
Bilingualism: myths and reality
Relevant issues of studying bilingualism (15.30 – 17.10)
Moderators : Nicoletta Cabassi – Parma University (Italy), Marina Niznik – Tel-Aviv University (Istaelis)
- 15.30 – 15.55
Franck Scola M.D. (PhD) (France)
Speech and learning impairments in bilingual children and/or pupils schooled abroad
- 15.55 – 16.20
Natalia Ringblom (Sweden), Stockholm University and Dalarna University
From first words to first grammar in Russian as a Heritage Language
- 16.20 – 16.45
Rycheva Ekaterina (Czech Republic)
Bilingual Education in the Czech Republic: Experience and Trends
- 16.45 – 17.10
Yanina Andrushkevich (Russia)
Language and cultural identity of a bilingual person